CBSE UAE Cluster Table Tennis Tournament
CBSE UAE Cluster Table Tennis Tournament
OOS hosted the UAE CBSE Cluster Table Tennis Tournament on 30th September 2023. A total of 105 students from 11 Schools across UAE participated in the tournament.
Our Under 17 and Under 19 teams secured the 1st position, Under 14 secured the 2nd
position in the tournament and all qualified for the CBSE Table Tennis Nationals to be held in India.
Vaisuruthi Mahendran Radha 11 A received the best player award for the Under 19 category and Lekisha Nasika 9 F received the best player award for the Under 17 Category. Congrats TEAM OOS 👏 👏
Congratulations to our table tennis coach Ms. Bagiyalakshami for this stupendous achievement. 🎾 🎾
OOS Under 19 team
- Vaisuruthi Mahendran Radha - 11 A
- Diya Yogesh - 9 E
- Drishya Jeevarathinam - 9 I
- Nyshita Sri Nandela – 10 I
OOS Under 17 team
- Lekisha Nasika - 9 F
- Thara Kalyani Kalayath Promoth – 10 H
- Hitaishi Nasika – 11 D
- Aditri Monish - 9 I
OOS Under 14 team
- Nainika Brijesh – 7 F
- Sai Mahaashree - 5 D
- Christine Sancia Sibi - 5 F
- Devadarshini Sathis kumar – 6 E