Senior Prefectorial Board

At Our Own English High School, Sharjah - Girls, we not only trust and listen to our students but also implement their ideas. We encourage students to impact the student community by applying to become Members of the Prefectorial Board / Members of the Student Council. Students undergo a series of procedures, including interviews, selection, and election, and are finally inducted into their respective posts, during which they pledge to uphold the school's high standards, fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities, and honor the trust bestowed upon them.

Our Senior Prefectorial Board consists of 132 student leaders from Grades 8 to 12 working in teams on a number of projects across the school, linked to the priorities in the school improvement plan. The groups are facilitated by staff members but run exclusively by the students. The Main Student Leaders and the Deputy Leaders undertake a Leadership Training Programme at the start of the year. They then take responsibility for coordinating the groups, leading meetings, and liaising with the staff facilitator.

The student leaders from every group meet regularly throughout the school year. Each representative presents their ideas to their peers at the start of the academic year and proposes their ideas to be implemented. The student leaders have made improvements in many areas of the school. We have increased our focus on equality for all and provide a platform to showcase the skills and talents of our students. The Senior Prefectorial Board has also successfully campaigned to improve the environment within our school, the local community, and globally through various projects.


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