Whale awareness

Whale Awareness Day

Whale Awareness Day

Whale Awareness Day was hosted by the Gems Legacy School, Dubai, on 15th February 2023 under the GEMS Global Ambassador’s Society (GGA) banner, Five Eco Ambassadors and Assistant Eco Ambassadors of OOS - Gowri Kartha (3F), Anna Juval Alex (3K), Zainab Imran Akharware (4G), Lena Murali (4L) and Anet Elsa Alex (5N) attended the Whale Artefact Event. They worked on building the fins of the whale using plastic bottle caps. The whale artifact created out of recyclable materials by GGA members from various Gems schools will be mounted to raise awareness at the Dubai Boat Show. The artifact aims to raise awareness of Life Below Water among UAE citizens. Our Own English High School Sharjah wishes to thank GLS for providing the students with this learning opportunity. 


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